Monday, September 11, 2006


Funny, how most births occur in the morning
So explosive and powerful an experience
that we cannot hold back until the sunrise
Rushing into life, rushing through life
If we're lucky we'll rise and set with the day in old age
when we have amassed enough gold to buy the sun's rays
Until then we continue with our habits
We wake in the morning and decide who gets to shower first
while the other sleeps in
We drink coffee and eat something healthy
There's no need for a newspaper when work calls you in
with eyes half open
And it's easier to push thought away
than be shaken by something disturbing or great
These days rush by with the wind brushing by branches on trees

Sometimes the sun shines on the leaves in such a way
And nature reflects the face of itself
as it shares with us the birth of the day
We taste something sweet in our mouths
And the rushing stops though the breeze keeps blowing

- Bernie Stoltz, August 2002

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