Saturday, September 09, 2006

Welcome Message

Greetings Hungry Readers!

Good morning, guttentag, buenas mananas...and welcome to Breakfast Magazine, the most important magazine of the day! Let us consider for a moment the worldwide importance of breakfast...mmm...bacon. At any time, in any place, the sounds, sights, and smells of breakfast take us to another world. A gentler, happier world where you can get a bottomless cup of coffee, eggs any style, and a fresh rolled sticky bun right out of the oven!

My hope is that people everywhere find BM a forum to share all aspects of this wonderful meal: favorite recipes, helpful tips, informative diner, restaurant, and other breakfast establishment reviews, puzzling puzzles and games, challenges, debates, scandals, and life-changing moments of laughter and tenderness right here on the World Wide Web!

Let this be your magazine. Let me be your chef. Let's enter the world of Breakfast Magazine with a fork, a knife and a spoon. Tuck that napkin in your shirt, and cancel the rest of your day's appointments. Because we're open 24/7.

R.P. Long, Jr.

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